Bluetooth Low Energy

View source on Github

Step 1

Make a directory inside your “tessel-code” folder called “ble”, change directory into that folder, and initialize a tessel project:

mkdir ble; cd ble; t2 init

Step 2

Plug Tessel into your computer via USB, then plug the BLE module into either of Tessel’s USB ports.

Step 3

Install noble by typing npm install noble --force into the command line (the --force flag is in case you are on OSX. The library is compatible with Linux (which Tessel uses) but not OSX, so npm blocks downloads to incompatible systems).

Step 4

Rename “index.js” to “ble.js” and replace the file’s contents with the following:

// Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.

This basic example scans for BLE peripherals and
prints out details when found
// Import the BLE library
var noble = require('noble');
// USB modules don't have to be explicitly connected

// Wait for the module to report that it is powered up first
noble.on('stateChange', function(state) {
    if (state === 'poweredOn') {
        console.log('beginning to scan...');
        // Begin scanning for BLE peripherals

// When a peripheral is discovered
noble.on('discover', function(peripheral) {
    // Print out the address
    console.log('peripheral found at:', peripheral.address);

console.log('waiting for power up...');

Save the file.

Step 5

In your command line, t2 run ble.js

Be sure your BLE peripheral(s) are enabled! You should see Tessel output the address of any nearby BLE peripherals.

Bonus: Make your BLE dongle advertise as a peripheral. Hint: you will need the bleno library instead of noble.

To see what else you can do with the BLE dongle, read the noble and bleno documentation.

Step 6

What else can you do with a BLE module? Get inspired by a community-created project.

What are you making? Share your invention!

If you run into any issues you can check out the ble forums.

Fork on Github